
July of 2023

Este 23 de julio, ¡saca la basura! Digo, ¡vota!

Ya que el consulado decidió no enviarme las papeletas este año, expreso mi voluntad democrática de esta forma.

Como cualquier psicópata mentiroso compulsivo, este señor debería estar en terapia —no en la Moncloa.

Corona Hysteria
Corona Hysteria

March 17th, 2020

Inspired by my astonishment regarding the mass purchase of toilet paper at the supermarket (today has been the first day in over a week I’ve seen at least ONE roll on the shelves).

Captain Hashtag
Captain Hashtag

January of 2019

Original caption:

"Captain Hashtag - Without going into too much specific detail, there’s something intrinsically irritating about the phenomenon of mainstream “social justice movements” on social networks. On the one hand, it oversimplifies and trivializes important issues and implicitly invalidates diversity of approach through the seemingly unquestionable and deafening overexposition of the truth of those who scream the loudest (or type the fastest). On the other, I honestly doubt the sincerity and lack of personal agenda from the individual perspective. Probably not applicable to everyone, but somehow I see a histrionic need to demonstrate to friends and acquaintances that while “society” (an overused term which is starting to lose its meaning and to sound equally irritating to me as well) may be misogynist, racist, islamophobic, homophobic… we certainly are no
Once again, instead of focusing on my dissertation defense, which will take place too soon to mention, this is the kind of thing I end up thinking about. Either I irreversibly lost the habit of long-term concentration a while back or it’s the perspective of working 24h on a Sunday (whoohoo). 2,5 hours, surprisingly. Wacom tablet, Photoshop CS6”


August of 2017

“- Quick! We have to stop this!
- Felinophobe!
- That’s right! No to felinophobia!”

Inspired by the reaction of certain part of the media to the wave of terrorist attacks throughout Europe in the very recent past.
I was too afrad to publish this at the time I made it.


December of 2017

Original caption (Spanish):

“Ley electoral española – versión Cataluña – definición gráfica, 21 de diciembre de 2017”.


September of 2016

Original caption (Spanish):

"Referéndum. 1.10 - Paso decisivo hacia el precipicio.”

Tump Buns
Tump Buns

August of 2016

Original caption:

“2016’s Republican Party presidential candidate. A 70 year old orange baby with tiny hands and a massive ego. Just like every other toddler, he’s characterized by his impulsiveness, inconsistency, moodiness and a thriving imagination (or just IGNORANCE/dishonesty). The difference: the kind of toys he could potentially have access to.
November 8th: USA’s ultimate IQ test. 🇺🇸”

Disclaimer: When I look back to this and read that caption I am aware of a certain degree of arrogance/moral superiority that I no longer fully identify with.

Elecciones con Corazón
Elecciones con Corazón

June of 2016

Original caption:

“26J. Mañana hay que actuar con el corazón, pero también con la cabeza.
Sentido común. Sentido crítico. Memoria. Responsabilidad.
Hecho en Photoshop CS6, Aprox. 5-6 horas.”

El Podemita
El Podemita

May of 2016

You’re probably not going to understand this is you’re not from Spain. And if you are, there’s a 50% chance that you’ll either disagree or feel offended.

I actually never posted this before.


May of 2016

Based on Spain’s political campaign of 2016.

Original caption (Spanish):

“¡Boom! - Edición especial "Unidos Podemos… cargárnoslo todo"
En honor al reciente pacto electoral IU-Podemos

Photoshop CS6, aproximadamente 4 horas

Mientras aún exista la libertad de expresión...”

The Breach
The Breach


Original caption:

“The Breach- (Between man and nature). Older piece, commission I did in a more childish style (2014)

Because progress doesn't have to mean destruction. Especially with the technology available nowadays."

Corona Hysteria
Captain Hashtag
Tump Buns
Elecciones con Corazón
El Podemita
The Breach

July of 2023

Este 23 de julio, ¡saca la basura! Digo, ¡vota!

Ya que el consulado decidió no enviarme las papeletas este año, expreso mi voluntad democrática de esta forma.

Como cualquier psicópata mentiroso compulsivo, este señor debería estar en terapia —no en la Moncloa.

Corona Hysteria

March 17th, 2020

Inspired by my astonishment regarding the mass purchase of toilet paper at the supermarket (today has been the first day in over a week I’ve seen at least ONE roll on the shelves).

Captain Hashtag

January of 2019

Original caption:

"Captain Hashtag - Without going into too much specific detail, there’s something intrinsically irritating about the phenomenon of mainstream “social justice movements” on social networks. On the one hand, it oversimplifies and trivializes important issues and implicitly invalidates diversity of approach through the seemingly unquestionable and deafening overexposition of the truth of those who scream the loudest (or type the fastest). On the other, I honestly doubt the sincerity and lack of personal agenda from the individual perspective. Probably not applicable to everyone, but somehow I see a histrionic need to demonstrate to friends and acquaintances that while “society” (an overused term which is starting to lose its meaning and to sound equally irritating to me as well) may be misogynist, racist, islamophobic, homophobic… we certainly are no
Once again, instead of focusing on my dissertation defense, which will take place too soon to mention, this is the kind of thing I end up thinking about. Either I irreversibly lost the habit of long-term concentration a while back or it’s the perspective of working 24h on a Sunday (whoohoo). 2,5 hours, surprisingly. Wacom tablet, Photoshop CS6”


August of 2017

“- Quick! We have to stop this!
- Felinophobe!
- That’s right! No to felinophobia!”

Inspired by the reaction of certain part of the media to the wave of terrorist attacks throughout Europe in the very recent past.
I was too afrad to publish this at the time I made it.


December of 2017

Original caption (Spanish):

“Ley electoral española – versión Cataluña – definición gráfica, 21 de diciembre de 2017”.


September of 2016

Original caption (Spanish):

"Referéndum. 1.10 - Paso decisivo hacia el precipicio.”

Tump Buns

August of 2016

Original caption:

“2016’s Republican Party presidential candidate. A 70 year old orange baby with tiny hands and a massive ego. Just like every other toddler, he’s characterized by his impulsiveness, inconsistency, moodiness and a thriving imagination (or just IGNORANCE/dishonesty). The difference: the kind of toys he could potentially have access to.
November 8th: USA’s ultimate IQ test. 🇺🇸”

Disclaimer: When I look back to this and read that caption I am aware of a certain degree of arrogance/moral superiority that I no longer fully identify with.

Elecciones con Corazón

June of 2016

Original caption:

“26J. Mañana hay que actuar con el corazón, pero también con la cabeza.
Sentido común. Sentido crítico. Memoria. Responsabilidad.
Hecho en Photoshop CS6, Aprox. 5-6 horas.”

El Podemita

May of 2016

You’re probably not going to understand this is you’re not from Spain. And if you are, there’s a 50% chance that you’ll either disagree or feel offended.

I actually never posted this before.


May of 2016

Based on Spain’s political campaign of 2016.

Original caption (Spanish):

“¡Boom! - Edición especial "Unidos Podemos… cargárnoslo todo"
En honor al reciente pacto electoral IU-Podemos

Photoshop CS6, aproximadamente 4 horas

Mientras aún exista la libertad de expresión...”

The Breach


Original caption:

“The Breach- (Between man and nature). Older piece, commission I did in a more childish style (2014)

Because progress doesn't have to mean destruction. Especially with the technology available nowadays."

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